It has been nearly a week since the adventure begin. Last Wednesday Nancy took Herm & I for a hike up Mt. Peak in Enumclaw. It is 1800 ft with a elevation gain of 1000 ft. and the trail is 1.3 miles long. It is recommended for families but I did see in the reviews that people commented on how slippery it was in spots.
Our only exercise this summer has been golfing and even though we do walk the course you still do not get a good work out you just get mad. I had to take a lot of breaks but we did make it to the summit and all agreed that it felt good and was a interesting hike. I always hate going downhill, we were about 1/3rd of the way down and I tripped on a tree root, and trying to run out of the trip I hit a spike on a tree stump that ripped a flap of meat from my leg. Seconds before this we had just talked with a hiker going up hill who worked for the Dept. on Natural Resources and noticed that he had a radio with him. Nancy hollered for his attention and he quickly returned and called for help. He was so nice and kept us all calm while we waited for the fire & rescue to arrive. He immediately took off his sweaty shirt and replaced the flap of meat and held pressure on it. He apologized for having no shirt, but I assured him that it was quite all right and he was a nice distraction. The fireman arrived in about a hour and they were true heroes. I am sure that after taking a look at me they were wondering how they would ever get me down that hill. Thank goodness there were 8 of them so they could take turns. The trip down the mountain was probably the worse part of the day it was very scary. They strapped me on a gurney with one big wheel in the center. I could see nothing but sky and leaves but I kept hearing them slip and was terrified that they were going to fall and I would be rolling off the cliff strapped on to that gurney. When we got to the ambulance there were 8 tired and sweaty guys, they never complained. I think I will make up a bumper sticker " I Love Enumclaw Fire & Rescue".
Dr. Atkinson was the surgeon on call at the hospital, and he is my hero too. After he took a look he had me in surgery in no time. I had a good laugh while in the emergency room, I took a look at Nancy and she was turning white. She ended up in the bed next to me, she was so brave while we were on the mountain but could not stand to see them put in the IV.
I spent the night in the hospital and now I am spending my days with Herm & Mom waiting on me and taking good care of me.
I am surprised at how calm that I was during this, but it was never that painful, while we were on the mountain I knew I had to stay calm to make it easier for all of those that were with me. I kept thinking of my Cousin Marilyn and our friend Craig who are both going through cancer treatment and it put my injury in perspective. I am sure that I will end up with a scar and I will need to work on my mind to get that into perspective.
I am feeling a lot better and am able to walk around the house, on Thurs. I go in for the staples to be removed and than I should be fine to go back to the RV. Don't worry I have had the best person in the world taking care of me and that is Herm.
I know when Roy sees me his words will be tuck & roll and our friends Norm & Marcell will be "hey girl, you need to slow down and smell the flowers".
Dr. Atkinson came in on Saturday to check on me |
What a story!! I guess you don't have to leave the country for an adventure. I hope you are still recovering nicely. I think it sounds like you had a pretty good tear-I think you described it well. I think someone was really looking over you to get such immediate help, perfect timing. You wrote the story so well too; I could visualize it all.
I didn't know there was a Mt. Enumclaw, I will have to check it out next time I am there. Take care.. Roger
What a story!! I guess you don't have to leave the country for an adventure. I hope you are still recovering nicely. I think it sounds like you had a pretty good tear-I think you described it well. I think someone was really looking over you to get such immediate help, perfect timing. You wrote the story so well too; I could visualize it all.
I didn't know there was a Mt. Enumclaw, I will have to check it out next time I am there. Take care.. Roger
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