Monday, November 14, 2011

Its A Wonderful Life

My usual blogs are about family and when we are in the desert and away from our family I find that I don't have anything that is blog worthy. But that usually does not stop me from writing, looking back most of the things I write about are not blog worthy.
This weekend we were with family, Terry & Julie came up for a few days from Yuma. Julie and I sold our crafts (or at least some of them) at the Holiday Craft Fair.  We had a great time, I think that I may have spent more $ than I made. But I came home with a lot of things that I could not live with out. I have some new yard art and several bracelets along with a new apron.
Today is the first day of golfing in our community, I can't wait to get out there and play.  Below are pictures of Casey, she is just like her grandma she loves to golf too. But fortunately she knows how to keep her arm straight and is a very good golfer.  She is a freshman and was chosen to play on the Varsity Team. She will be here for Thanksgiving and I hope that she will help me out with my game.
I played with her at a big course, and she started giggling when she caught me teeing the ball up out in the middle of the fairway.  I  was not used to all that yardage and that was my only hope




1 comment:

Molly said...

I continue to enjoy your writings and photos, some of your comments are just hilarious ("she is just like her grandma she loves to golf too. But fortunately she knows how to keep her arm straight").

The two large photos did not appear for me.

And anyone that titles their blog entry "Its A Wonderful Life" has obviously recognized all the good things in life. May God continue to bless you and keep you safe.

(Your earlier blog with the photo of the dumpster was priceless.)

Have a great Thanksgiving.