Friday, June 17, 2011

Welcome To Idaho

Tonight we are in Idaho and celebrated with a big Idaho baked potato and we are now back in familiar territory so I can put the maps away.

We spent two nights in Vernal Ut. the heart of Dinosaur land, bones are everywhere along with oil wells. I am not into dinosaurs but did enjoy the scenery.  We took a two hour drive through the park and did not see any bones but did find this cool petroglypth.

These pictures were taken from Field House Natural History Museum.

The Pink Dino was my favorite

We have left the red rock formations behind and now back to more familier green meadows and snowy mountains. 

1 comment:

Molly said...

Again, such stunning photos - love the distant views of the mountains. I like the "Welcome to Idaho" sign. You probably have a collection of those signs as your enter each state.

I've never been to Idaho but did win the Daily Geography Quiz one day since I knew about Coeur d'Alene. You two would probably do well at the quiz, here is the site

Got a kick out of having a baked potato, what no dinosaur sirloin?