Saturday, May 19, 2012

A New Experience

My favorite blogs to do are while we are traveling  on the road, it is fun sharing the sights and the experiences that we have while RVing. I sure don't want to be a blogger about our aches, pains and our latest illness.  But  I am learning you can always make a change in plans and your wants.
To start with Herm is going to be just fine, by the end of summer this will all be forgotten and I will be writing about fun things again.
It all started when I told him to start wearing his sandals  because his legs are really brown and his bare feet look like he was still wearing white socks.  First day he gets them sunburned and a week later the sunburn is itchy and he scratches.  The mistake and lesson learned is don't mess with the water from the swamp cooler while wearing sandals.  The water is stale and full of bacteria.  That is how this started and now he has a staph infection.  He goes in daily (even weekends) for IV antibiotics. He does this at a infectious disease clinic, his time to go everyday is at 9:30AM and it is the same 20 people there every day. All of them are there because of a staph infection and many have Mrsa, one lady drank water from a stream and now has a bug, many of them are because of joint replacements and one man from a dental implant.  I think Herm is the only one there because of a sunburn.  They go back to a big room and sit in a recliner and get their drips and visit or read. One thing that often is brought up is "how great the doctor is" I sure hope that he is great. Dr. Y's. first treatment plan was 2 weeks of daily visits, Herm is now starting week 3 and will not be finished until July. I just hope that Dr. Y.  does not extend it again. Herm told Dr. Y. yesterday that he would like to go to Oregon.  Dr. Y. looked him in the eyes and said "they could never handle this there".  I guess he thinks Oregon is still the wild west.  Dr. Y does not have a lot of charisma and talks very little.  His only interest is in bugs, so much so that he even looks like a big bug with his shaved head and dark bushy eyebrows.   We will listen to his advice because he is the expert and do what he says.
The good news is that yesterday they changed the medication, usually Herm comes home and goes to his chair and spends the day.  It just wipes him out and upsets his stomach.  Yesterday he was noticeably different in a good way he seemed to have more energy. 
I have wanted an I-Pad forever, and but I need to come up with a list of what it can do that my laptop does not do. Being an only child I always think of me first and I thought I could take this buggy mess and turn it into something good for me.   In the bug clinic it seems like all the patients are sitting there with their I-pads and lots of Nooks and Kindles too.  I asked Herm that since he is going to be spending several more weeks doing IV's that he should have and would certainly enjoy an I-Pad.   He saw through that and knew what I was up to, he know me to well.  But I think that he may like a poor mans version, so maybe a Nook or Kindle would be nice for him. 
 Herm is not contagious and can do pretty much what he likes, but no golf.

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